Member Testimonials

We get thousands of testimonials from FPF members celebrating their lovely neighbors and great communities. How about your neighborhood?

I was told by our house-cleaning team, Michelle & Dawn, that after I posted a recommendation for them on our Front Porch Forum that they received five calls... and four of them resulted in work!
• Greg Epler-Wood, Burlington

FPF connects me to my community, makes the bond between us stronger, and personal conversations continue due to FPF postings. I look forward to reading it every night. I'm not a Facebook fan but I LOVE Front Porch Forum.
• Marianne Eaton

Wow. We stopped counting the number of kind and generous neighbors who offered us a fridge to borrow...it was at least 15! THANK YOU to everyone for your generosity and support of our local business. And thanks to Front Porch Forum for giving us a way to access that generosity.
• Patti Delaney, Backdoor Bakery

I posted an air conditioner for sale on Monday and got 4 calls on Tuesday! Sold my item right away - Amazing!
• Martin Thompson

When I moved the first things I did was look for Front Porch Forum. It is a vital key in any neighborhood and am so grateful to have it in Saint Albans. It keeps us up to date on current events, and to share a laugh or two. Every neighborhood in America needs one!
• Katrina McLamb

Just wanted to give thanks to all the quick replies to my request last week for a sump pump to help with our flooded basement. I got several calls and emails. Its nice to know we live in sump pump rich community, may the sun return soon...
• Bruce Duncan

THANK YOU Neighbors! This was the first time I put a request on Front Porch Forum and I am totally wowed by the response to my call for gardening help last night.
• Renate Callahan

I just wanted to thank FPF. I posted that I was looking for a sunfish sailboat sitting in someone's garage unused, and that's exactly what I found, and a great deal too.
• Adam Kunin

Some want to air the town meetings on cable. What if someone doesn't have cable. However, we all have computers. Seems Front Porch Forum in Middlesex is a great information tool. From lost dogs to selling firewood. Great job.
• Paul Thorn

This afternoon Albert the cat appeared back at our door. We're very happy to have him home and we're very appreciative of all of the people who provided tips and support - we're very fortunate to live in such a neighborhood. Moreover, we feel very fortunate to have Front Porch Forum as a resource to turn to in these kinds of situations. I had put up several signs around the neighborhood, but the net result of that seemed to be zero - FPF is where it is at for getting out this kind of news.
• Kel Rossiter

Yesterday while at a CSWD drop off center, I learned they take futons for $7 per, but there is no need as the FPF helped me find homes for mine. It feels good finding a free solution and even better knowing they did not end up in a landfill. FPF is a real service to our community!
• Calef Letorney

A Big Thank You to all that attended our Church Bingo at the Eagles Club last Saturday. We had some new faces... very much needed for our Church. Thank you for this much needed posting place for the area businesses and residents.
• Jennie Demore

Once again the Forum had our answer, this time for childcare. We are going to be doing a nanny share with some fine neighbors down the street, plus also now have a backup caregiver in the neighborhood for emergencies and nanny vacations. How fortunate is that? Thanks, FPF!
• Jenny And Toby Fuller

Thanks! I already have 3 recommendations for a painter! I'm thrilled by how well and how easily this works! What a great system.
• Ann Burke

Wow. I just posted a note on Front Porch Forum requesting car seats and I have a reply already from a neighbor.
• Linda Deliduka

Thanks to all of you who referred me to your painting contractors. I was able to quickly connect with a neighbor who was out of work. He is working this week and my apartment will be ready for new tenants. Win-win. All of you make this Front Porch Forum what it is. Thank you so much!
• Lindy Walsh

To the person who forwarded my request for a native French speaker to vet some writing, many many thanks. This is going to work out well, as the person you referred seems to be ideally qualified for the small job I had in mind. Front Porch Forum is a wonderful Aladdin's Cave of useful contacts.
• Roger Cooke

I've gotten more calls from my posting in Front Porch Forum than I did with an ad that I placed in the local paper.
• Chris Heavner

I am delighted to report that six people responded to my plea for computer assistance... Wow! So many choices! I am so happy to have FPF as a resource for help with discovering resources in our community! Best of all, I discovered two more very interesting people who live here in my own town. They kindly invited me to dinner, showed me their "aquaculture" greenhouse where I nibbled upon fresh hardy leaves of collards and swiss chard (!) , and shared gardening techniques with me. They will certainly be the first on my list to receive maple syrup from us when we boil sap these next few weeks! It sure is wonderful to live in a community as helpful as ours.
• Lausanne Allen

A few months ago I formed a book club via FPF -- what a fantastic way to connect with neighbors -- and while the attendees have shifted each month, the meetings have continued.
• Kate Silberfeld

This has been such an amazing resource and I will miss the daily community updates so much. Wish my new town had FPF!
• Todd Townsend

I've really enjoyed FPF and it's by far my most valuable "social networking" group when I need something or have a question for the community. Especially in these bedroom communities like Starksboro where you may not run into a whole lot of people, it helps having a place where we all can meet.
• Emily McManamy

A few weeks ago, I posted a request for crutches. I never imagined the outpouring of ideas and support!! Someone even offered to drop them off at my house. We live in an amazing community. I wanted to say thank you for the offers of crutches and support. I found a pair nearly immediately. Enjoy the Snow!!
• Una Connelly

Wow! What a quick response! We are now "car seated" for our beautiful 3 grandchildren who will be here. Front Porch Forum is great! Thanks again.
• Mary and Jim Sullivan

I just want to express my gratitude for FPF in Huntington. There were 67 very diverse participants at Zumba class last night. You could never do that kind of organizing, that quickly and that successfully without the kind of networking tool provided by FPF. It was so fulfilling to look at all of those faces in the gym at Brewster Pierce having fun dancing together on a snowy winter night. My next organizing feat? A pub in Huntington, so we can go and have a beer together to replenish the calories! I will keep you posted (because I can...).
• Enid Wonnacott

I have enjoyed the FPF while I have received it. Our house for sale posting on FPF drew a remarkable response that was very helpful in quickly selling our home on Henry St.
• Mike Brown

Thanks for all the generator advice - we got more than a dozen responses!
• Steve Eustis

The neat part about networking with carolers via Front Porch Forum is that I don't sing and my boyfriend doesn't use the Internet with much regularity, but with my quick posting, he was able to reach others in the neighborhood who were interested in caroling.
• Jen Wool

The brilliance of Front Porch Forum has been to provide a means of knitting neighborhoods back together. Once a neighborhood has the means to communicate, as it does now, I think it only strengthens the sense of community when we know more about the surrounding areas and engage with more folks, more information, and more opinions.
• Rebecca Foster

By the way, we think that this is a wonderful new means of staying connected to our fellow Bristol neighbors and friends. Kudos to getting this started and we thank you!!
• Mark & Debbie Lyter

Keep up the good work! I only hear good things about Front Porch Forum, and I'm really excited about the way it's getting people talking about community issues through new mediums!
• Carin Hoffman

It's becoming more and more apparent how incredibly useful Front Porch Forum can be in increasing community involvement in helping develop fiscal policy and budgets for spending at a community level... In a brilliant moment of genius, the Middlesex school board has decided to take advantage of this forum to get a more representative picture of what the taxpayers of Middlesex feel is most important in developing the budget... Kudos to the Middlesex School Board and FPF for making the political process more accessible, democratic and easier to participate in!
• Johnnie Krezinski

This Front Porch Forum is so fanTAStic!!! To all of those interested in the pressure washer, a gentleman called first thing after it went on and bought it! This works so very well!!! Am sorry I don't have a pressure washer for everyone who was interested!
• Emma-Lou Craig

Thank you, neighbors! Someone found my beloved stainless steel mixing bowl and thanks to FPF, knew to whom to return it!
• Kelly Dougherty

We had a tremendous response to our post about honey. Within just a few days, the 50 pounds we had set aside for sale had been claimed. Thanks to everyone who responded. Hopefully we will have more to offer next year.
• Randy Sightler

The way I know Front Porch Forum is valuable to me is that I always open FPF e-mail. Always! And with winter coming on, these connections with our neighbors are ever more important. I feel good about financially supporting this wonderful thing that enriches our lives. You will too.
• Judy Raven

Total time elapsed from posting to FPF and my repaired saxophone returning home: 12 hours. Pretty cool.
• Mark Bushnell

Late last night I posted that I needed a ride to the airport, and by 8 AM this morning I had four offers. What a wonderful community this is. Thanks to Front Porch Forum for making so many connections.
• Lauren Esserman

Much thanks to Anna and Alison who generously donated their time to help us pack our gallery, in preparation for our big move. This is Front Porch Forum at it's best... neighbor helping neighbor, forging strong community bonds!
• Jane Koplewitz

I've made friends, found gardening work, and donated houseplants! I've also learned about local issues, candidates, and happenings. Front Porch Forum makes so much sense! I'm delighted I signed up when I moved here; it made me feel instantly connected to my neighborhood.
• Mary Landon

If not for the Westford Front Porch Forum, the Food Shelf simply would not exist, my kids wouldn't have the best babysitter ever, my heating system would be serviced by a stranger, and I would be less knowledgeable overall. Even when the issues are divisive, FPF brings us all together.
• Julia Andrews

Several neighbors on my block used FPF to share used household items... Awesome! We all scored and are very happy with our paint, blinds, dog bed, microwave, etc.
• Kathryn Guidry

My daughter was reunited with her lost pet bunny within minutes of our post to Front Porch Forum. Thanks to our neighbor for rescuing ""Daisy,"" the neighbor who suggested he use FPF to find its owner, and to FPF for bringing this great service to the community.
• Greg Hancock

Today's newspaper praises Front Porch Forum for helping us to be informed in a democracy. I second this! Thanks FPF for helping us all, in our media-connected, busy, work-a-day lives, for giving a sense of community.
• Winifred Don

I posted my pottery sale on Front Porch Forum and sales were terrific. Lots and lots of neighbors showed up and told me they saw it on FPF.
• Harold Kaplan

I'm grateful for Front Porch Forum helping us all overcome the isolation felt when something bad happens -- whether it's vandalism, excessive noise, or even skunks.
• Suzi Wizowaty

Front Porch Forum helped us find cat sitters, child sitters, garage sales, too much to mention. In an age where everyone's porch is now a back yard deck, how nice it is to have a ""virtual"" front porch.
• Erin Nanasi

I asked for help assembling Adirondack chairs on FPF and was amazed at the responses. Several people offered to help just to be good neighbors and wanted no other compensation. What a wonderful way to connect with neighbors.
• Lell Forehand

Thanks Front Porch Forum for helping to find my missing bicycle lock, meet my neighbors, barter my roof rack carrier for some freshly smoked salmon, find a lost glove, learn more about local politics, and provide a soapbox for whenever I feel the need. I think it's one of the best things to happen in our town in a long time.
• John McMurry

Clothes, phone and passport found! Thanks Front Porch Forum and all the neighbors who kept an eye open after I posted about my car break-in. If you'd believe it my things were in a parking garage dumpster.
• Thomas Correia

Thanks to the wonderful crowd of neighbors who helped us move. It was humbling and heartwarming to have 36 people show up, on the weekend after Thanksgiving, in response to our Front Porch Forum posting, and move all our things down the street into our new home in an hour and a half!
• Josh Brown

Add your success story. How do you use FPF? Please share.

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