Sample Issue

Five Sisters Neighborhood Forum

Issue No. 4744 - June 7, 2019

Urgently seeking lost dog!
By Rebecca Brady, Gove Ct

Found watch - yours?
By Alicia Downs, Caroline St

Looking for child care
By Jackie Camille, Catherine St

Rototiller for hire?
By Peter Van Dyke, Locust Terrace

Seeking upholsterer
By Greg Fuller, Caroline St

Professional couple seeking apartment
By Megan O'Mear, Hayward St

Audubon summer day camp scholarships available
By Parm Patten, Catherine St

Phosphate and nitrogen fertilizer regulation update
By Carolyn Bolton, Caroline St

Mayor's June 6 newsletter now online
By John Sampson, Assistant to the Mayor


Urgently seeking lost dog!
By Rebecca Brady, Gove Ct

Our 9 year old Luna, lab mix (looks like a little black lab, 42 lbs), got out of the house without her ID this morning (Thursday) around 10:15. She's wearing an orange collar but no tags. She's never roamed or bolted, but she can be mindless when she gets a scent of squirrel, which must have happened. We are on Gove Court and are frantically looking for her. Please let us know if you see her or if you can hang onto her. Thank you so much.

Found watch - yours?
By Alicia Downs, Caroline St

If you lost a watch near Calahan Park last week, we may have found it.

Looking for child care
By Jackie Camille, Catherine St

Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations for child care. My daughter currently is going to one in Williston Village but she would like to find one if possible closer to town. Her son just turned one and would prefer one not so large where he is "a number so to speak". Thanks for any suggestions given.

Rototiller for hire?
By Peter Van Dyke, Locust Terrace

Hi, I have an area approximately 30' by 30' that I need to rototill, so that I can plant corn. Is there a rototiller available to use or hire in the five sisters area? Corn will be shared!

Seeking upholsterer
By Greg Fuller, Caroline St

We recently bought a nice old armchair that needs some tender loving care. If you know of someone who re-upholsters furniture, we'd appreciate the lead. Thanks, Greg

Professional couple seeking apartment
By Megan O'Mear, Hayward St

My partner and I are looking for a 1-2 bedroom apartment with a lease starting in August or September. We'd love more than anything to stay in the 5 Sisters neighborhood, as we really feel at home here. We'd like to pay no more than $1,100/mo. Our wish list includes: hardwood floors or new carpeting, gas stove in a decently sized kitchen (we are big cooks!), off-street parking for 2 cars, laundry in the building, a small yard and/or garden space (not required, but would be nice). We have a very well behaved, quiet, crate-trained pitbull mix who is a much doted-upon member of our family :) For the right place we could be potential long-term residents, as we plan to be in the area for many years! We have excellent credit and references.

Audubon summer day camp scholarships available
By Parm Patten, Catherine St

Don't let summer slip by without joining us for a week of camp! Thanks to generous donations, the Green Mountain Audubon Center is pleased to announce the availability of scholarships for their Day Camps at the Green Mountain Audubon Center in Huntington. Our camps provide hands-on, ecology-based outdoor experiences for youth ages 4-12. Audubon's summer programs invite children to explore their natural surroundings in order to develop an understanding and appreciation of the world around them. For more information please visit http://vt.audubon.org/camps.html

Phosphate and nitrogen fertilizer regulation update
By Carolyn Bolton, Caroline St

New Rules Govern use of Phosphate and Nitrogen in your fertilizers.

Lawn P No More
The Vermont legislature joined seven other states in regulating the use of phosphorus fertilizer on lawns. LCC has long-advocated for this important step in reducing pollution to Lake Champlain. In 2003 we spurred an investigation of lawn phosphorus levels throughout Vermont that found 60% of lawns tested statewide and 76% of Chittenden County lawns already had too much phosphorus. We helped organize and have been active in the bi-state Lawn To Lake program that promotes use of no-phosphorus fertilizers. During last summer and fall we met with the Vermont Agencies of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the Lake Champlain Chamber of Commerce, and Senator Ginny Lyons to pave the way for the bill.

The legislation prohibits spreading of lawn fertilizer on impervious surfaces, between October 15 and April 1, or within 25-feet of a waterbody. Phosphorus can only be used in fertilizers if a soil test demonstrates it is needed or if a lawn is just being established. Stores that sell phosphorus fertilizer need to display information about its impacts on water quality. Eliminating phosphorus from lawn fertilizer prevents the pollutant from ever being imported to the watershed.

The Vermont law also requires fertilizer with nitrogen to contain at least 15% slow-release nitrogen. Use of slow release nitrogen in fertilizer means fewer applications are needed during the growing season and there is less risk of losing the nitrogen to the water. New Jersey is the only other state that regulates nitrogen fertilizer.

The law goes into effect in January 2012. Until then LCC recommends everyone follow its guidance this year and only buy fertilizer with phosphorus if a soil test indicates your lawn needs it.

Thanks to all the legislators who worked on this bill and who voted for its passage. In particular we recognize Representatives David Deen, Kate Webb, Jim McCullough, Bob Krebs, and Kristy Spengler who sponsored the original bill in the House and Senator Ginny Lyons who helped guide it through the Senate.

Here is link: http://bit.ly/joiGv4

Mayor's June 6 newsletter now online
By John Sampson, Assistant to the MayorThe Mayor's June 3 "From the Mayor's Desk" is on-line at: http://www.ci.burlington.vt.us Topics include:

- Burlington Discover Jazzfest Kicks Off!
- Burlington Streetpaving Work
- Special Election June 28
- Eco-Driving
- Message from the Mayor

From the virtual to the actual front porch...

These are real postings from one FPF neighborhood forum that covers 500 households.  Lots of neighborly face-to-face conversations flow from these postings!

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